Gong’s recording bot is a signature part of their product, which allows them to connect to every sales call no matter the platform or who is the host. Let’s replicate Gong’s recording bot with Recall.ai.
We’ll build a bot that joins our Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams calls that produces a video recording and transcript at the end of the meeting.
- A Recall.ai API key. If you don’t have one, you can create an account here.
- Your terminal of choice to send HTTP requests.
Sending a bot to your video call
Open up your terminal, and we’ll use the Recall.ai `Create Bot` API endpoint API to send a bot to your video call. Copy and paste the following request:
curl -X POST https://api.recall.ai/api/v1/bot -H 'Authorization: Token RECALL-API-KEY-HERE' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"meeting_url": "MEETING-URL-HERE", "bot_name": "BOT-NAME-HERE", "transcription_options": {"provider": "PROVIDER-HERE"}}'
Replace the text that says `RECALL-API-KEY-HERE` with your Recall API key. This will be used to authorize the request.
Replace the text that says `MEETING-URL-HERE` with a meeting URL from Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams. This is the meeting url the bot will join.
Replace the text that says `BOT-NAME-HERE` with the name you want your bot to have when it joins the meeting. Common names are “meeting notetaker”, or “call recorder”. You can even add a personal flair and use your company name in the bot name!
Replace the text that says `PROVIDER-HERE` with the name of a transcription provider of your choice. Today we support the options `assembly_ai`, `deepgram`, and `rev`, which corresponds to [Assembly AI](https://www.assemblyai.com/), [Deepgram](https://blog.deepgram.com/deepgram-and-recall-ai-partner-to-make-it-easier-for-developers-to-extract-insights-from-meeting-audio-and-automate-tedious-workflows/), and [Rev](https://www.rev.ai/), respectively. This will give us back a transcript of the meeting, powered by a specific provider.
Now, you’re ready to send the request. After you send it, you’ll see a bot join your meeting with the name you specified.
Also, you should have received a response in your terminal, which contains an `id`. Save the id value - we’ll need it in the next step.
Retrieving the transcription
As you’re sitting in the meeting with the bot, say a few words so that the bot has something to transcribe. If you’re not sure what to say, you can read out loud our blog post on why build a meeting bot! After you’ve spoken for a bit, end the meeting. Then, copy and paste the following request into your terminal:
curl -X GET https://api.recall.ai/api/v1/bot/YOUR-BOT-ID-HERE/transcript -H 'Authorization: Token RECALL-API-KEY-HERE'
Replace the text `YOUR-BOT-ID-HERE` with the bot id we saved in the previous step. We need the bot id to identify which bot to display data for.
Replace the text that says `RECALL-API-KEY-HERE` with your Recall API key.
Send the request!
You’ll receive a response that contains the entire transcript of the meeting along with speaker labels in the following format:
Finally, let’s retrieve the recording of the meeting from the bot.
Retrieving the video recording
We can retrieve the video recording by making the following request:
curl -X GET https://api.recall.ai/api/v1/bot/YOUR-BOT-ID-HERE/ -H 'Authorization: Token RECALL-API-KEY-HERE'
Similar to the previous step, replace `YOUR-BOT-ID-HERE` with the bot id, and `RECALL-API-KEY-HERE` with your Recall API key.
After you send the request, you will receive a response containing an Amazon S3 signed url to an MP4 file. This is a recording of the meeting containing bot video and audio.
You’ve just replicated Gong’s bot recorder in a few minutes with Recall.ai and saved yourself months of engineering work! Now you can focus on your core product value instead of meeting integrations.