Recall + Modjo Case Study

"Recall had a significant impact on the amount of data we would capture, and thus the adoption on our product."

Problem: Modjo needed a way to easily gather sales meeting data, which is the primary input of their sales team performance analysis. 

Solution: Modjo implemented to reliably and scalably collect sales call recordings.

Modjo is an AI-powered performance tool that analyzes sales calls and customer interactions to improve your bottom line. The four-year-old company is based in France but serves hundreds of customers located throughout Europe.

Challenge: Modjo needed to focus on their core offer without losing time building a recording tool

Modjo analyzes sales meetings that teams use to improve their sales performance. To make this happen, the tool needs easy access to recordings of sales calls.

The company initially met this need by using the native recording capabilities within Microsoft Teams and Google Meet. This approach came with a few serious limitations:

  • Lack of automation: On Google Meet, users can’t automatically record meetings. On Microsoft Teams, programming this automation was confusing. That meant users needed to remember to hit “Record” in order for Modjo to get the content they needed.
  • Required access to private information: To access recordings, Modjo needed access to Google Drive, SharePoint, or OneDrive, and many users didn’t feel comfortable providing that access.
  • Delayed recording access: For both platforms, video recordings don’t become available for 30-40 minutes, which meant Modjo couldn’t provide an immediate meeting analysis for their users.

When the platforms’ native capabilities missed the mark, the team at Modjo started looking into building their own recording bot.

Quickly, they learned they’d have to hire multiple full-time engineers with specific subject area knowledge to carry out the task. They also estimated it would take 3-6 months to fully develop the bot (not to mention the ongoing support Modjo would have to provide).

We spoke to Matthieu de la Fourniere, the CTO and cofounder of Modjo, about what type of solution they wanted to find. 

“We were looking for a tool where we would not have to do the heavy lifting,” he shared. He wanted a simple solution that could support Modjo’s core offering reliably as the company grew.

That’s where comes in.

Solution: Bring in an API that records meetings efficiently and reliably

When Matthieu discovered, the tool immediately clicked as the right solution.

“When we first went through the documentation of Recall, we had a pretty magical moment,” he said. “We felt like we really needed to work with this tool because it did exactly what we needed a recording tool to do.” provided exactly what Modjo needed: a reliable, scalable, and resource-efficient solution for the company. 


One of Matthieu’s concerns about in-house bot construction was related to upkeep and, with, he doesn’t have to worry about it at all. From managing everything from day-to-day maintenance to major platform updates, ensures their recording capability is always running smoothly.

“Having Recall’s continuously improving product is so much better than having our resources constantly working to maintain a service we would’ve built internally,” Matthieu said. 

Additionally, Matthieu highlighted that working with has been easy. Our team is responsive on Slack, and when updates or adds a new feature, we’re quick to let our customers know. 

Scalable is designed to support growth. records meetings automatically — with no intervention from the user — for Modjo’s customers. This means the Modjo tool can access all the recordings for every customer meeting, regardless of how many customers the company grows to have.

Modjo also doesn’t need to hassle to get permission to their customer’s private Google Drives or Microsoft SharePoints.’s bot attends the call and immediately feeds the information directly back to Modjo, relieving the Modjo team of a complicated step in their process.

With automated and seamlessly delivered recordings, there are no delays or barriers to recording calls across all customers — whether the company is serving 300 or 3,000. 


Finding an API that could click into Modjo’s system was an immediate relief to the developer team.  

Matthieu said that, “As software builders, we all want to focus on the part of the job where we have the most added value. To us, capturing the recording from those platforms was not the place we had the most added value. We’d rather focus on making sure we’ll leverage the recordings for our customers.”

The CTO estimated that bringing into Modjo’s tech stack divided the amount of work Modjo had to do to build their own bot by 3-4x. Instead of hiring a few full-time engineers to build a solution from scratch, Modjo designated a couple of their team members to integrate over a couple of weeks. 

He highlighted as the most cost efficient option for the company. Not only did the tool save them time, but it saved them money. was a no-brainer for Modjo.

Result: An increase in Modjo’s overall product adoption

Now that is fully integrated within Modjo, the company has seen excellent outcomes. One major positive effect of bringing in is a huge increase in the amount of meetings Modjo users record.

“In one year, per user, we’ve seen the amount of recordings on Google Meet multiplied by 2x and the number of recordings on Microsoft Teams multiplied by 10x,” said Matthieu. “This has a significant impact on the amount of data we capture and, as a result, on the adoption of our product.”

Looking forward, will continue supporting Modjo as they grow and serve more customers.