Recall + Sybill Case Study

"We literally were able to get an extra $50k MRR in a single month by going with Recall, versus us having to hire three new developers, train them, onboard them and use them to build these integrations out. "

Problem: Potential customers needed integrations Sybill couldn’t offer without expanding their tool’s functionality.

Impact: With, Sybill tripled their audience overnight and saw a near-immediate increase in revenue and scalability.

How Unlocked New Markets for Sybill

Sybill is the AI-powered personal assistant for sales teams that are losing hours on administrative work. The tool analyzes your sales calls and delivers real-time CRM updates, call summaries, and follow-ups, so you don't have to waste another minute on repetitive work. With Sybill, sales teams can focus on making the sale — and leave administrative burdens behind. 

Challenge: scale Sybill to reach companies hosting sales calls on Microsoft Teams and Google Meet

Sybill delivers as an AI-powered personal assistant through sales call analysis. It interprets verbal and behavioral information from sales calls and turns it into action, sending follow-ups, updating CRMs, and streamlining administrative work for sales teams across industries.

When the tool first launched, it integrated solely with companies using Zoom as its sales call platform. Because of the narrow scope of the client base, Sybill created a custom program to bridge the AI assistant to Zoom.

But, over time, Sybill received inquiries from companies that wanted to use the tool but didn't host calls on Zoom. Since Sybill's integration was Zoom-specific, they couldn't partner with businesses that used Google Meet or Microsoft Teams.

Soumyarka Mondal, co-founder and Chief Technical Officer of Sybill, noticed the company was leaving money on the table by limiting their customers to only those who hosted sales calls on Zoom. If they were going to solve this problem, they'd need to do one of two things:

  1. Hire two full-time employees to spend the next 6-12 months creating internal integrations for Google Meet and Microsoft Teams.
  2. Find an external API to expand Sybill's offering without draining time and human resources.

If the team were to build internally, they'd face other obstacles, too. Integrating call platforms isn't easy, so they'd need to bring on team members with significant subject area expertise.

Soumyarka decided to investigate external options. He wasn't confident that an outside tool would work well with Sybill — until he found

Solution: Integrate, a universal API, to support Sybill's critical functions

When Soumyarka discovered, he quickly signed Sybill up for the POC, which included a trial period with white-glove support. Instead of hiring employees and spending months invested in internal integration, he brought on

In no time, Soumyarka found that was a great fit for Sybill. captured audio, video and metadata from sales calls in across Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams — exactly what Sybill needed.

Three qualities made the right choice for Sybill. 

Easy integration

Plugging in an API that's so integral to a company's final offering can be difficult, but for Sybill, integrating couldn't have been simpler.

"During the POC phase, we realized our internal systems interfaces aligned almost identically with's API and interface," shared Soumyarka about the early stages of collaboration. 

"This meant the time to shift from processing Zoom data within our system to processing Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet with's data was quick, and the re-engineering required on our end was minimal."

Operational efficiency led to faster time-to-market and a larger TAM

Creating and managing Sybill's internal Zoom integration was challenging. Each sales call platform is unique, so keeping an integration running smoothly demands full-time attention.

By integrating, Sybill could bring their new compatibilities to market faster. Building an internal integration for Google Meet and Microsoft Teams could’ve taken upwards of a year. By incorporating, Sybill saved substantial time. 

Plus, when Sybill switched to, the team could reallocate their focus to higher priorities. Now, they're pouring their energy into Sybill's core generative AI offerings, letting manage the quirks of hosting platform integration.


Finally, working with has been far more than just a transaction for Sybill. and Sybill have grown together, partnering to improve each tool.

"It has been great working with," said the CTO.  "We have continually been surprised with's willingness and ability to work with us on unlocking newer capabilities on the platform so we can capture even richer data. They also prioritize stability and reliability over everything else, which makes working with them very reasonable and predictable."

Result: Incredible growth with

The Sybill team saw fast, positive results after integrating Overnight, enabled Sybill to increase its total addressable market (TAM). The company began accepting customers who used Microsoft Teams and Google Meet, tripling Sybill's audience of potential buyers. 

Because of this TAM expansion, Sybill saw a large revenue increase. Within a month of operating with the API, Sybill brought in $50,000 in MRR from its new, broader audience.

Finally, because the lean team at Sybill isn't responsible for managing the tool's sales call integration, Sybill can continue to scale. Sybill can collaborate with a diverse client base and trust that their integration is in good hands.

The companies have been partnering for over a year, and there's no end in sight. Looking forward, will continue helping Sybill expand its TAM with additional integrations and support. 

"We found the team to be an extremely friendly bunch of driven folks who really care about the criticality of their service. I highly recommend using," said Soumyarka.

To learn more about the API and how we can support your tools, schedule a demo here. We're eager to get started.